Friday, April 22, 2011

It's Raining, It's Pouring?

Yesterday the crew was feeling much better so we ventured out of the house, not even a little rain could stop us.  In fact the boys were all super excited to get on their rain gear.  We had to go the the BX (Base Exchange) and the Library.
Getting started on our walk.

Ashe is such a ham whenever the camera comes out.
The rock puddles

I didn't even try to keep them out of the puddles.  Asher kept asking for his "brella" and was the biggest splasher, but I think that's because he had on real rain boots.  
Sam: "Walking in the rain was pretty much fun.   And I was stepping in puddles because I like to."
Benjamin: "I liked to jump on the rock because of the rock puddles.  I like my umbrella and rain coat because they have airplanes and I like traveling."
**Safety note, there was not so much jumping going on as toe tapping in the rock puddles**

We went to the base library and I let the boys check out some books.  Guess who checked out which book.

1 comment:

  1. AWE of course there is a Star Wars book! JD Misses you guys so so much!!!
